Tourism Office Pula

The European Center for Peace and Development University for Peace established by the United Nations (ECPD), an international educational and research organisation from the UN academic system, in the framework of the ECPD International Program of Transfer of Knowledge System in the field of Health Sciences in cooperation with University in Berlin (Germany), Long Island University (USA), VAMK University (Finland), University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein (Germany), Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italy) and South Eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN), organizes



with the main topic

Allocation of SCARCE Resources in Health Care

(Pula/Brioni, 25 -26 October 2024)


We have the pleasure of inviting you to take part in the Ninth ECPD Regional Conference on Health Economics, which will be held at the ECPD Regional Center for Development Studies in Pula (Flaciusova 18).

Considering an increasingly important role of health economics in the decision-making process, as well as still inadequately developed resources in this multidisciplinary field in the health systems of South East Europe, the European Center for Peace and Development UN University for Peace has initiated a series of regional conferences, round tables and meetings for key decision makers in the countries across the Region, aiming to improve and strengthen capacities in this field. This year's Conference continues to study relevant topics in the field of health care economics and extends the tradition of gathering health providers, managers and other decision makers in health care systems from the region of South-East and Central Europe.

The main topic of this year is the allocation of scarce resources in health care. Demands for all aspects of health care continue to exceed available resources. Policy makers need to make important decisions regarding the use of public funds and specify particular disease areas, population categories and interventions. The problem is that decisions on prioritizing health care needs are complex and multidimensional, while the current decision-making process is based on ad-hoc decisions or decisions based on previous experience, on individual or limited benefit dimensions. Therefore, the resources cannot be used to an optimal extent.

Resource allocation represents a series of activities and decisions that form the basis for prioritizing health care needs: maximizing the health of the population, reducing health inequalities of marginalized or vulnerable groups, and/or responding to crisis situations, while respecting practical and budgetary constraints. At the Conference, these topics will be discussed and current methodological approaches will be presented for the distribution of resources in the field of health care in an efficient, transparent, fair and ethical manner, which gives legitimacy to decisions. In addition to the main topic, other current and relevant issues will be discussed at the Conference.

The Conference will be co-chaired by Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dirk Henke, longstanding head of the Department of Public Finance and Health Economics, Technical University in Berlin, Prof. Dr. Tina Bregant, Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care, former State Secretary in the Ministry of Health of Slovenia, Prof. Dr. Thomas Lux, Director of Competence Center eHealth, University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein, Germany.


Preliminary Program

Ÿ     How to improve a leader's decisions when developing policies for health

Ÿ     Supervision of public health in emergency situations, as part of the health management of emergency situations

Ÿ     Digital medicine and technologies for improving health and well-being

Ÿ     Combining pharmacotherapy with E-health. Health economic evaluation of costs and benefits

Ÿ     Determination of benefits from the pharmaceutical industry. Empirical approach

Ÿ     Pharmacoeconomics as a common platform with decision makers in healthcare

Ÿ     Cost control mechanisms for medicines: the example of Slovenia

Ÿ     Paying for health care according to quality

Ÿ     Pharmaceutical and medical product management processes in the hospital - how to analyze and improve them

Ÿ     Public costs for medical products in conditions of great innovation and economic crisis: improving access to new medicines

Ÿ     Access to high-cost therapies and value-based procurement


List of Lecturers

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dirk Henke, Department of Public Finance and Health Economics, Technical University in Berlin, Germany

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Thomas Lux, Director of Competence Center eHealth - University of Applied Science Niederrhein, Germany

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Tina Bregant, Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care, former State Secretary at the Ministry of Health of Slovenia

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Reinhard Busse, Chair of Department for Health Care Management at the Technical University in Berlin, Germany

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Luca Rosi, Director of the Department for International Cooperation, National Institute of Public Health of Italy (ISS), Rome

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Verica Jovanović, Director of the Institute for Public Health of Serbia "Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut", Belgrade

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Miodrag Todorović, CEO of “Panafricare” Clinic and long-standing Director of the Seychelles Ministry of Health

Ÿ     Dr. Melita Vujinović, WHO Representative and Director of WHO Office in Slovenia

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Miodrag Ivanović, Professor of the ECPD UN University for Peace, England

Ÿ     Dr. Per Troein, Vice President Strategic Partners, IMS Health, London, UK

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Alvaro Hidalgo Vega, Castilla-La Mancha University, Spain

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Antoni Gilabert, Director of Pharmacy and Medicine, Catalan Health and Social Care Consortium, Spain

Ÿ     Dr. Sc. Karolina Kalanj, Libertas International University, Zagreb

Ÿ     Dr. Zvonimir Šostar, former Director of the Teaching Institute for Public Health "Dr. Andrija Štampar", Zagreb

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Nikola Popovski, Professor of the ECPD UN University for Peace, North Macedonia

Ÿ     Dr. Benno Legler, Director of the Health Economics Sector, WiFOR, Germany

Ÿ     Prof. Dr. Rusmir Mesihović, former Minister of Health of the Federation of B&H


Application Form and Participation Fee

The participation fee for the Conference amounts 490 EUR.

An application should be sent to: European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) University for Peace, Terazije 41, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; Tel: +381 11 3246 041; E-mail: ecpd@Eunet.rs and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; www.ecpd.org.rs


Program, Application Form, Accommodation

(.pdf – download and digitally fill out marked fields)


Program, aplikaciona forma, smeštaj

(.pdf – preuzmite i digitalno popunite označena polja)









European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD)  
University for Peace established by the United Nations

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