The European Center for Peace and Development of the University for Peace established by the United Nations (ECPD), Belgrade in the framework of the ECPD International Program of Transfer of Knowledge System, in cooperation with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità of Italy, National School of Public Health of Greece, South-Eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN), Croatian Medical Association - Society for Alcoholism and Other Addictions, Office for Combating Drugs of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, ECPD International Center for Integrative Medicine and Institute for Addiction Diseases of Sarajevo Canton, organizes
with the main topic
Sarajevo, 22 – 23 May 2025
Institute for Addiction Diseases of Sarajevo Canton
The European Center for Peace and Development UN University for Peace organizes this School with the aim to direct the focus to all modalities and aspects of addiction, as well as to bring together experts from various fields - physicians, psychologists, social workers, special pedagogues, lawyers, criminologists and other professionals, who will enable a more extensive exchange of experience, as well as provide the latest knowledge, practical and scientific achievements in the areas of prevention, treatment and integral rehabilitation of addictive diseases.
The school is internationally and nationally accredited. By the Health Council of Serbia the Program is accredited as an International Seminar of the 1st category with 14 points for lecturers and 7 points for participants. The Program's Accreditation Number is А-1-289/25.
President of the School Council is Prof. Dr. Slavica Đukić Dejanović, Minister of Education in the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Professor of the ECPD UN University for Peace, Director of the School is Prof. Dr. Zoran Zoričić, Head of the Reference Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for Addictions, Director of the Clinic for Alcoholism and Other Addictions of KBC "Sestre Milosrdnice", Zagreb and President of the Croatian Society for Addiction, and Co-director is Prof. Dr. Petar Nastasić, Professor of the ECPD UN University for Peace.
The traditional professional approach to addictions from the aspect of prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation has been justified in the work of this specialist education, which is being organized for the sixteenth time, by the interest of the participants, the diversity of thematic approaches and, above all, multidisciplinarity. The leading topic of this year's program is "Contemporary Addictology - Synergy of Social and Professional Transition", i.e. the phenomenon of social conditioning of the intensity, personal and social image of the problem of addiction, starting from the fact that this significant public health, but also social problem, continues to represent one of the leading professional challenges for health, education, social workers and other professions. It should be borne in mind that without psychological, social and spiritual progress of the personality there is no stable abstinence, nor harmonious relations within the family and society.
The leading topic is also supported by the fact that social policies and social trends in most modern countries and societies generate social tensions, which are sublimated through personal psychopathology, or social unrest. The field of addictology is changing intensively, the epidemic of problems related to opiates is currently under control, but it also threatens with catastrophe through the arrival of new synthetic forms of opioids, primarily fentanyl, on the illegal market. There is also a great pressure from both the public and interest groups for the legalization of "soft" drugs, and the development of the "medical marijuana" market, which contributes to the further risk of abuse of psychoactive substances. Trends within the profession, difficulties in maintaining the functioning of previously established practices (i.e. self-help groups), privatization with questionable adherence to principles (the profession, not money, decides on the method of treatment) pose great moral challenges to the profession and society.
The goal of this year's School is, in accordance with the above, a contemporary explanation of the biopsychosociological context of addiction, an understanding of the dynamics of relations within the family and society, i.e. the cause-and-effect relationship between the phenomenon of addiction and social changes, the contribution of the so-called new addictions (behavioral) to peer and family violence, as well as experiences in establishing new, experimental treatment models. In addition to educating addiction experts to work in this area through lectures, training workshops and examples of good practice, the goal of the School is primarily to further motivate addiction experts, as well as other paramedical experts, to work in this area, through education on psychotherapeutic and sociotherapeutic interventions, which would, through strengthening professional competencies, make them more resistant to the problem of burnout in working with individuals and families in the problem of both addiction and peer and family violence. Likewise, the psychological, sociological and philosophical context should contribute to the breadth of understanding of this complex social and medical phenomenon.
In summary, attention will be focused on the presentation of the synergy of social and professional changes in the field of addictology, as well as recommendations for better outcomes and adequate responses to this issue. We intend to implement the planned topics through lectures, training workshops, exchange of experience and examples of good practice. Addictions are accessed through a multidisciplinary approach, and the School will engage experts of various profiles, including doctors, social pedagogues, sociologists, psychologists and other helping professions.
The Program of the School includes the following main topics:
· Responsibility of family and society for the development and treatment of addiction
· Addictive behaviors of young people - between traditional and modern
· Integrative treatment of people with addiction problems and comorbidity
· Addictive diseases - pharmacotherapeutic options and clinical reality
· Schizophrenia - symptomatic consumption or addiction
· Aggression and addiction: From individual to ecosystem and back
· Possibilities of psychosocial interventions for young people in conflict with the law
· The importance of therapeutic communities in the treatment of addiction diseases
· Analysis of statistical reports of treated addicts in the FBiH 2021 – 2023
· Pathology of marriage in families of addicts and its impact on children
· Internet addiction and digital violence
· Modern technologies in the prevention of violence and addiction diseases
· Prevention of therapist burnout in work with addiction and aggression
· Sustainable development goals - UN Agenda 2030 and addiction diseases
· Multisectoral approach and decentralization in the field of drug policy
· Practical aspects of cooperation between healthcare, social services and non-governmental organizations and other current topics.
· Prof. Dr. Zoran Zoričić, Head of the Reference Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for Addictions, Director of the Clinic for Alcoholism and Other Addictions of KBC "Sestre Milosrdnice", Zagreb and President of the Croatian Society for Addiction
· Prof. Dr. Slavica Đukić Dejanović, Minister of Education in the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Professor of the ECPD UN University for Peace
· Prof. Dr. Petar Nastasić, Professor of the ECPD UN University for Peace, Belgrade
· Prof. Dr. Rasema Okić, Director of the Institute for Addiction Diseases of the Sarajevo Canton, President of the Association of Alcoholics and Experts on Other Addictions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
· Prof. Dr. Verica Jovanović, Director of the Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut", Belgrade
· Prof. Dr. Janko Samardžić, Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade
· Prof. Dr. Mila Goldner Vukov, Member of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
· Prof. Dr. Luca Rosi, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy
· Prof. Dr. Nera Zivlak Radulović, Head of Psychiatric Clinic, University Clinical Centre of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka
· Prof. Dr. Gorana Sulejmanpašić, Head of the Psychiatric Clinic, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo
· Prof. Dr. Nikša Dubreta, Chair of Department of Sociology, University of Zagreb
· Mr. Milan Pekić, Director of the Office for Combating Drugs of the Government of the Republic of Serbia
· Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrej Kastelic, President of the Global Addiction Association, Ljubljana
· Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erik Brezovec, Department of Sociology - Faculty of Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb
· Dr. Sc. Med. Siniša Skočibušić, Director of the Institute of Public Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Center for Prevention and Outpatient Treatment of Addiction Mostar
· Asst. Dr. Sci. Med. Nuša Šegrec, Center for Drug Addiction Treatment, University Psychiatric Clinic in Ljubljana
· Mr. Sc. Med. Dr. Miralem Mešanović, Clinic for Psychiatry, University Clinical Center Tuzla
· Dr. Inga Lokmić-Pekić, Psychiatric Hospital of the Sarajevo-Jagomir Canton
School participants that have successfully completed the School program will obtain an internationally accredited Certificate of the European Center for Peace and Development of the University for Peace established by the United Nations.
Application Form and Registration Fee
Registration fee for participation in the School amounts 390 EUR.
Application should be sent to: European Center for Peace and Development UN University for Peace, Terazije 41, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; Fax: +381 11 3240 673, +381 11 3234 082; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
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